'Once things are stable, the money will come again from China,' says Wong Leung-sing, who heads Centaline's research department. 中原地产研究部负责人黄良口说,一旦情况稳定下来,资金将再度从中国内地源源而来。
First of all infected persons is to overcome fear, and this can only have access to a stable job in order to guarantee a stable source of income to ensure that drug money to create a virtuous circle. 感染者首先要战胜的就是恐惧,这样才会有机会获得稳定的工作,才能保证稳定的经济来源,保证有钱服药,形成良性循环。
Therefore, the electromagnetic interference is effectively resisted, and the stable and reliable operation without electromagnetic interference of the money counter is ensured. 有效地抗电磁干扰,保证了点钞机不受电磁干扰可靠地运行,同时又使点钞机运行平稳可靠。
Since 2009, stable open economies from Brazil to Switzerland have seen hot inflows of money and upward pressure on their currencies. 自2009年以来,从巴西到瑞士,所有稳定而开放的经济体都遭遇了热钱流入,导致这些国家的货币面临升值压力。
Either they can keep their currencies stable by running low interest rates, deterring hot money, or they can control inflation by raising interest rates, slowing their economies. 要么维持低利率,以保持汇率稳定、遏制热钱,要么通过加息压制通胀,但会因此导致经济增长放缓。
Only a few top colleges and universities have stable endowment funds that generate money through interest accumulation and stock market growth. 只有少数第一流的学院和综合性大学有稳定的捐赠基金,可以通过利息积累和股票市场提成而产生资金。
The Hong Kong dollar remains stable and the money market remains calm, despite the appreciation of the renminbi. 尽管人民币升值,港元仍保持稳定,货币市场亦反应冷静。
Finding out the main factors and the long-run stable relations between money demand and other economic variables is an interesting subject. 分析影响货币需求的各方面因素,探究转轨中货币需求预期影响因素之间长期稳定的关系,在理论和实践上都有着重要意义。
Therefore, the economists devote themselves to determine the long-term influencing factors that they can influence the money demand and the stable relations between the influencing factors and the quantity of money supply. 所以,经济学家们花费了大量气力来确定影响长期货币需求的决定因素,以及这些因素与货币供应量之间的稳定关系。
Empirical studies indicate that financial innovations has an impact on money demand stability not to be ignored, and that the stable relationship between money demand and variables like real production can hold only if the effect of financial innovations are taken into account. 通过实证研究发现,金融创新对我国货币需求的稳定有着不可忽视的重要影响,我国货币需求与实际产出等变量之间的稳定关系只有在考虑金融创新的影响时才能够成立。
The empirical analysis of money demand and money supply aims to make a stable money demand function, approach money supply factors fluctuating disciplinarian and the speciality of money supply transmission mechanism. 货币需求与货币供给的实证研究目的是为了建立稳定的货币需求函数和从定量上探讨货币供给因素变动规律及其内在传导机制的特性。
The once stable relationship between money supply and real economic variable are disappearing; 货币供应量与实际经济变量日益失去了稳定的联系;
Substantive literatures about monetary policy show that the stable velocity of money is the precondition of using money aggregates as a intermediate target to conduct monetary policy. 大量的文献研究表明,货币流通速度的稳定性是货币量作为货币政策中介目标的先决条件。
Many countries in the world normally treat money demand as the intermediate objective of monetary policy. Stable money demand has a major effect on the effectiveness of a country's monetary policy and even macroeconomic policy. 世界上很多国家通常都把货币需求作为货币政策的中介目标,稳定的货币需求对一国的货币政策甚至宏观经济政策的有效性有着重要的影响。
The central government can take advantage of the long and stable relationship between money supply and price in the stock market to flexibly control the stock market by taking money supply as an intermediate target to control the stock market. 中央银行可以利用货币供应量和证券市场价格存在的长期稳定的关系,把货币供应量作为调控证券市场的中间目标,灵活调控证券市场。
Therefore monetary authorities take the quantity of money supply as intermediate target in the long run. However this must take the stable money demand function as the premise. So a stable money demand function is thought to be essential for money policy. 而对货币供应量的调控又必须以稳定的货币需求函数为前提,因此一个稳定的货币需求函数是货币政策实施中运用货币供应量为中介目标的先决条件。
Life insurance has become an important member of the financial system due to its huge and stable accumulation of money. 尤其是人寿保险业,其大量稳定的资金积累成为整个金融体系中重要的一员。
But whether China can realize this goal depends not only on a politically stable society, but also on whether the money supply-the total savings and investment-can meet the needs of economic take-off. This article will make analysis and predicts about this issue. 但最终能否实现这样的发展实绩,除社会政治基本稳定的前提条件外,资金供给即总储蓄和总投资能否保持经济起飞的需要将是一个关键性因素,本文试图就此做出分析和预测。
Such impact can influence the validity of monetary intermediate target of monetary supply based on the stable money supply and demand and exogenous money supply, and enlarge the difficulty of the monetary policy regulatory. 房价波动对货币供求的冲击对基于货币需求稳定,货币供给外生的货币供应量中介目标有效性带来影响,加大货币政策调控的难度。
But there exists no long-term stable relationship between stock prices and money supply. ( 4) Exchange rate is relatively exogenous. 而股票价格与货币供应量之间不存在长期稳定关系。(4)汇率相对外生,主要由外汇市场的供求双方决定。汇率是导致通货膨胀变化的同期原因。
If it chooses money supply as the intermediate target, a stable and predictable money demand function is an important precondition for the effectiveness of such monetary policy. So this function is of vital importance to the policy. 如果选择货币供应量作为货币政策的中间目标,则一个稳定的、可预测的货币需求函数是货币政策得以发挥作用的重要前提,因此它对于货币政策非常重要。
The development of money market funds which originated in the United States has experienced more than three decades. Because of its relatively stable earnings, small investment risk, and high liquidity, money market funds play an important role in the fund market. 货币市场基金起源于美国,发展至今已有三十多年,因其收益相对稳定、投资风险小、流动性高等优点,在基金市场中占有重要地位。
If you do not have the ability to control monetary base, even if the money multiplier is stable, it can not effectively control the money supply, indirect regulation can not be effectively implemented, thus affecting the realization of the objectives of monetary policy. 如果不具备调控基础货币的能力,即使货币乘数稳定,也不能有效地控制货币供应,间接调控就不能有效地实施,从而影响货币政策目标的实现。
It shows that when the function is stable, the money demand elasticity of the impact factors are stable. 它表现为,当该函数稳定时,其影响因子的货币需求弹性值稳定。
Because of the absorption of the stock market, stock prices to rise in short-term can significantly cause the increase of money supply, but in the long run this relation remains stable; moreover the empirical results show that the money supply have little effect on stock prices. 因为股市的吸收作用,股票价格的波动短期内能够显著引起货币供应量的变化,但在长期中两者之间保持稳定;而实证结果表明货币供应量对股价的影响甚微。
Despite there exists a positive relationship between real estate prices and stock prices, there is no long-term stable relationship and causality over the same period. ( 3) Money supply is relatively exogenous. 房地产价格与股票价格之间尽管存在一定的正向关系,但不存在长期稳定关系和同期因果关系。(3)货币供应量相对外生,主要由中央银行货币政策根据宏观经济金融形势确定。
International monetary system beginning from the establishment of the inherent contradiction, the gold standard period of relatively stable because the gold and silver is real and intrinsic value of money, honest money system adapted to the economic development. 国际货币体系从建立之初就存在着内在矛盾,金本位时期相对稳定是因为金银是实物和有内在价值的货币,诚实的货币体系适应了当时经济的发展。
There is a long term stable relationship between the demand for narrow money M1, broad money M2 and the value of the stock market, which showed a positive correlation, that is to say, the increase of stock prices will increase the demand for money. 狭义货币需求M1和广义货币需求M2与股市市值存在长期稳定的关系,并呈现正相关关系,即股市价格上升会增加货币需求。
Stable money demand function can make the money supply produce the desired impact on economic variables ( income, interest rates, price levels, etc.). 稳定的货币需求函数能够使货币供给量对经济变量(国民收入、利率、物价水平等)产生可预期的影响。
However, asset price has fluctuated sharply even in the stable money supply situation at the same time. 但是与此同时,即使是在货币供给很稳定的情况下,资产价格的波动也变得更加剧烈起来。